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  • Visual learner is a person that study effectively by reading or seeing pictures.Most of visual learner often focusing of a pictures and they can understanding something just by seeing a picture.Usually,a visual learner like to take notes.A visual learner easily gaining knowledge but it have their cons too.Most of the visual learner will easily get distracted by high volume of sound.
  • Auditory learner is a person that study effectively by hearing or listening to something.Auditory learner will easily remember what they heard or listen.Most of the auditory learner would prefer to listen to a lecture rather than reading a book.The characteristics of an auditory learner is someone who listen attentively to an instruction and likes to talk in front of public.
  • Kinesthetic learner is a person that easily gain knowledge by touch something or make something that required movement.Kinesthetic learners have their own characteristics.For example,a Kinesthetic learner likes to move a lot while studying,like to do things rather then read about them and most Kinesthetic learners prefer not to sit still.The cons of Kinesthetic learners are they often have problems by learning through sedentary activities such as lectures and conferences.

Learning Style Inventory

Based on my answers on learning styles inventory,I can conclude that I'm a Visual Learner.This is because most of my answers show that I like to study by seeing and visualise something.I also have some characteristics of a auditory learner and kinesthetic learner but most of my answers are showing that I'm a visual learner.The most obvious answer that made me conclude I'm a visual learner is when I need to look at something several times before I understand something.
